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Details for Flavio’s Disgrace

Arlecchino with fake arrow

Le disgrazie di Flavio

Very Brief Synopsis

This play is about a young man who inadvertently becomes victim to a servant trying to get out of trouble with her mistress. A lot of misinformation leads to broken romances.

Number of players

Total Main Characters: 10

Men: 7
Women: 3
No Extras

Dramatis Personae

and Props and Sets

View List

Relationship Diagram

Includes characters named but not in the play

View Diagram

Link to Purchase

Electronic copy of this play

Link to Gum Road

Additional Notes

  • In scenes 1.04 & 2.15, a lot of water gets dumped on stage. In most theaters that would not be safe or allowed, so finding another way to represent that would be a good idea.
  • Scene 2.03 requires a strong window in the set, and for Isabella to be athletic.
  • A bar for a door is a roughly a hardwood 3x5 three or four feet long.
  • This play has a lot of people disguised as each other, and so having a good costume department would help.
  • The Properties lists military gear for Burattino, but it never appears in the scenes recorded here. There may be something Scala forgot to include in one of the fight scenes.
  • In these later plays, there are many scenes with Arlecchino in which no plot point, mood, or direction are given for him.
A scene from the Commedia dell’Arte played in France before a noble audience
Old Tree Limb
Flying Dragonfly
Old Medicine Show