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Details for The Lady Who Was Believed Dead

Arlecchino with fake arrow

La creduta morta

Very Brief Synopsis

This play takes place at night, and has a lot of moments with people thinking they are seeing ghosts. Other people are playing tricks and dressing as other characters. The title Lady faked her death with a potion to avoid marriage.

Number of players

Total Main Characters: 11

Men: 7
Women: 4
plus extras

Dramatis Personae

and Props and Sets

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Relationship Diagram

Includes characters named but not in the play

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Link to Purchase

Electronic copy of this play

Link to Gum Road

Additional Notes

  • This has some similarity to Thomas Dekker’s “The Honest Whore” in that it starts out with the funeral procession for a faked death of a woman who used a deep-sleep potion to get out of a marriage. Romeo and Juliette also touch on the idea less comically. We see this again in “Day 18 The Tragic Events”
A scene from the Commedia dell’Arte played in France before a noble audience
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Flying Dragonfly
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